Tuesday 30 December 2014

Bags, little bags, bags

I have no idea how this happend, but I seem never to have enough bags. For carring lunch at work, for keeping my makeup, fir shopping.
So, every time I have some extra fabric, I make some.

This is my favourite- my makeup bug for purse:

And other bags

This one is funny: a bag for a bag :) but really, in my purse my shopping bag occupies so much space.

Friday 26 December 2014

Christmas ornaments

Well, this Christmas I realized I actually have in my yard all the stuff I need to makw something cute stuff. This is the result:

Not bad, I may say :)

Christmas activities

Old hobbies, new hobbies.There are so diverse, so I will put them together:

Natur ornament ans various paintings

New stones

I found a new stone provider and of course could not help it to create new jewerlies.
Who knows? Maybe I will finish my new collection before Ostern.

Of course, the first one is 100% painted by me :)
Let's take a closer look to all of them

Sunday 30 November 2014

Small things that make the difference


I try to use every single piece of material I have :) , so sometime I have a lot of small stuff that I cannot categorize. This is here the case:
a pillow case , a "scarf", a sexy underwear, a skirt with leather insertions.
Do you like it?

Boring sweater, cute sweater


I bought recently a normal, regular sweater and of course never actually wear it, it was always too boring for any occasion. So, I have a thing recently regarding dots, I found them cute and reinvigorating for any occasion. Unfortunately a really cute blouse with dots was too small for my latest figure :( , so I decided to use in several occasions. This is one:

Now, maybe the light is not so good, but I can assure you: it is cute ;)

Small things to do in winter days


I don't know about you, but I have thousands of idea and not so much time. Still, there is a list somewhere and every time I got sick and remain home, I am doing some of it.
I won't say I am getting old ;) , let's just say I collected over the years lots of stuff and don't know what to do with.
So, a new in progress project; refashion old stuff.
Here are some pieces:

Have fun!

Saturday 25 October 2014

xxl blouse

When I first saw this piece of material, I just knew it: it will definitevly be an Xxl blouse.The result ist not bad at all!

Romantic skirt


Everyone has a skirt that involves a delicate, romantic look.I just created mine

Monday 20 October 2014

Refashion cheep bigger blouse

It is not my first cheep too big blouse that I buy and never ware.It is not uggly, but really , nothing to like or to dislike.
I had for this one an idea to make it more girly. Do you like it?


Friday 17 October 2014

A black transparent tunic


Last week I was just shopping the whole day looking fie some skirt material, when I accidentally saw the PERFECT material for  tunic- you know, to wear it over jeans. I am really pleased of result.Agree?

Now, some intermediate pictures:

Sunday 5 October 2014

New jewelries


I needed some new jewerlies and ofcourse, made it, not buy it.

I hope you like it.I do

Saturday 27 September 2014

New necklesses


New necklesses!

The second one is even ecological, made from paper flowers. Gorgeous, isn't it?

Just makeup some clothes


This year the blink blink stuff is in fasion, and you can do really easy stuff to have it, and get rid of it next year.

And the "before" picture:

 Better, isn't it?